Hi There, I'm

Naphak Jaengjaikul

Software Engineer, Full-Stack Developer, Startup

Profile Picture

Past Projects

Azai Solution

AZAI Solution

An all-in-one rental solution app for landlords to manage their renting properties with ease!



Fully functional real estate app. Integrated with Google Auth API for login and AppWrite for a real-time database

Coming Soon

ReTrade(Course Work)

A second-hand items trading app exclusively serve only for HKU students using Android Studio and Firebase.

Coming Soon

Story Map

This is an upcoming project. Please follow me on socials to get yourself updated on my future projects. Coming soon!

Technical Skills

Web App, Mobile App, Data Science

Front-End: Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, Tailwind, Bootstrap

Back-End: Javascript, Typescript, NodeJS, PHP, Docker, Flask

Mobile App Development: React Native, Expo, Android Studio

Programming: Python, C++, C, C#, Java, Kotlin, Linux command

Database: MySQL, MongoDB

OS: Ubuntu, Kali Linux

Data Science: Machine Learning, Deep Learning(TensorFLow), Computer Vision(OpenCV), Data Analysis

Follow Me On Socials

For Updates on Future Projects!


Naphak Jaengjaikul
